Lassi Alhorinne
Work is love made visible. And if you can't work with love, but only with distaste, it is better that you should leave your work and sit at the gate of the temple and take alms of the people who work with joy.
— Kahlil Gibran

Actor / Theatre teacher / Rosen-intern

Phone: +358-40-4149065 | Email:
Private trader Hyväksyvä - FI 30921708

The Rosen Method

I consider Rosen Bodywork and Rosen Movement as means to become who I am through acceptance. Rosen is permissive, good, and deep. I think I am at my best as a human being when I practice the method.

Rosen Method, developed by Marion Rosen, is a treatment which combines touch and words. When Marion was working with her clients, she got interested about the relationship between body and emotions. She noticed that the clients who spoke about their experiences during the treatment got well faster than those who remained silent.

The presence of the Rosen therapist and their listening hands open the possibility to become aware of the tensions we carry in our bodies.

I began studying the Rosen method in spring 2016. Besides Finland, I have studied the method in Estonia, Russia, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, and Spain.

Rosen method

Rosen-pictures: Mortti Saarnia

In addition to Bodywork, I have studied Rosen Movement developed by Marion Rosen. It allows people to enhance their body awareness and enjoy exercise with ease. Rosen Movement can also be practiced alongside the Bodywork to help keep up balanced being and movement of joints.

When practicing Rosen Movement, everyone does the exercises through listening what their bodies permit. The point is not to push, but more to gently feel how the body moves, and find the joy of movement through the opening of the body. Music is used as a rhythmic support for the movement.

Rosen Movement is done in groups, where the varied exercises are practiced either alone or in pairs. I am currently at intern-stage in both studies of Rosen Bodywork and Rosen Movement. I offer practice therapy sessions for clients and teach movement groups. You can book both the Bodywork and Movement sessions by phone, 040 - 414 9065 or ask for more information from


I am an actor and theatre pedagog by profession. During 35 years of practicing my profession, I have done theater in all its forms - as an actor, I have performed in theatre, movies, TV and radio. I have also directed classics and experimental theater. I have performed for people and for animals, sometimes because I was getting paid and sometimes out of pure idealism.

I have taught both disabled people and non-disabled people. I have been the head teacher for two different folk high school theatre departments. I have also given communication lectures to supervisors on the field of social services, and hosted events as the presenter.

Collaboration with other strands of arts - especially visual arts and dance - has been important to me. My artistic identity has been shaped by environmental art, contemporary art, community art, touring theatre and especially projects I've done among disabled, children and youth.

I'm also a talented set designer and visual artist. When I get excited, I am a diligent worker. I dream of developing new art forms.

Jöns Jupeli from the TV Series Jepu Neulanen
Jöns Jupeli from the TV Series Jepu Neulanen (Yle 2019)
1st Touch Dance
Social media theatre #Koronankohottamat (Covid-elevated). 1st Touch Through Dance, choreography Jorma Uotinen. 2020. (Watch on Youtube)
Open short CV(click to open/close)


Born in Toijala 26.7.1971


  • ROSEN METHOD STUDIES - 2016-2021 - Rosen Method School Finland.
  • THEATRE PEDAGOGY STUDIES - 2007 - Theatre Academy, Pedagogy Studies.
  • MASTER OF ARTS - 1993-1997 - Theatre Academy, Acting.


  • JIMPA - Sophie Hyde - Executive 1 - Movie - Closer Productions - 2025.
  • PARADISE 2 - TV-Series - Rainbow - MRP-Matila Röhr Productions Oy - 2022.
  • TEN SCENES IN THE CHURCH - Monologue about life and written production of priest Kai Sadinmaa - My own production - 2021.
  • NANEESE THE BAST - Roy Boswell - Radio Play - YLE, the Finnish Broadcasting Company - 2021.
  • Social media theatre #Koronankohottamat (Covid-elevated). Monologue - Veera Tyhtilä, David Kozma - 2020.
  • Social media theatre #Koronankohottamat (Covid-elevated). Dance - Composer Lea Pekkala, choreography Jorma Uotinen - 2020.
  • PÄIVÄNKAKKARAT (DAISYS) - Tommi Kinnunen, Susanna Airaksinen - Taisto - Radio Play - YLE, the Finnish Broadcasting Company 2020.
  • PROPOSAL FOR A GOOD LIFE - Tuula Jänicke, Marja Silde - Durational installations inside Kiasma that are based on UN Universal World Human Rights - Kiasma 2019.
  • JEPU NEULANEN - Satu Rasila - Anu Tuomi-Nikula - TV Series - Jöns Jupeli - YLE 2011-2019.
  • MELKEIN TOTTA (ALMOST TRUE) - Heli Sutela, Heikki Syrjä, Riku Suokas - Petri Kotwica - Arttu Pinomäki - TV Series - YLE 2019.
  • KOIRAN SYDÄN (HEART OF A DOG from a novella by Mikhail Bulgakov) - Lassi Alhorinne, Niina Hosiasluoma, Hanna Kirjavainen, Minna Kivelä - Raili Laakkonen, Sami Sukunimi - Koira Complex 2018.
  • LAPSETON (CHILDLESS) - Tuulia Mustonen - Documentary Movie - Tampere Vocational School / Department of Arts and Communications 2018
  • DARK TALES AND STORIES, DIVE INTO SPELL POETRY - Alhorinne, Johanna Pitkänen, Johanna Juhola - Spell Performance 2017.
  • LU YUN TEEKIRJA (TEA BOOK OF LU YU) - Janne Saarakkala - Saarakkala - A Hermit - Radio Play - YLE 2017.
  • TRAGEDY - Will Eno, Miko Jaakkola - Michael - Theatre Takomo 2006.
  • HIPPIÄINEN (GOLDCREST) - Esko-Pekka Tiitinen, Liisa Isotalo - Spruce, The Sun - Theatre Osiris 2004.
  • THE CHERRY ORCHARD - Anton Chekhov, Jussi Helminen - Jepihodov - Espoo City Theatre 2004.
  • TARINOITA METSÄSTÄ - Suomalaisia kansantarinoita (STORIES FROM THE WOODS - Finnish Folklore), Samuli Reunanen - The Undergraduate - Kajaani City Theatre 2002.
  • NUMMISUUTARIT - (HEATH COBBLERS) Aleksis Kivi, Samuli Reunanen - Iivari - Kajaani City Theatre 2002.
  • MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM - William Shakespeare, choreograph Heinz Spoerli, director of acting Kari Heiskanen - Ballet - Director Motti - Finnish National Opera 2000.
  • A CHARMING MASS SUICIDE - Arto Paasilinna, Ere Kokkonen - Movie and TV Series - Jari Kosunen - 1999.
  • THE MISER - Moliere, Misa Palander - Harpagon - Theatre Raivoisat Ruusut 1999.
  • KUUTARHA (MOON GARDEN) - Eppu Nuotio, Pike Epstein - TV Series - Valentin (lead role) - YLE - 1998.
  • THE CHERRY ORCHARD - Anton Chekhov, Marcus Groth - Pjotr Sergejevits Trofimov - KOM-Theatre 1997.
  • HÖLMÖLÄISET - Suomalaisia kansantarinoita, (FOOLS - Finnish Folklores) Tuija Töyräs - Ram Pietu - Riihisaari Summer Theatre, Savonlinna 1996.
  • FRANKENSTEIN - Mary Shelley, Simeon Rabinowitcsh - Creature - Ahaa Theatre 1990.
  • DER VOGELKOPP - Albert Wendt, Liisa Isotalo - Mallet-Jussi - Theatre of Kulttuuritalo 1988.


  • MEDEIA - Euripides, Muller - Monica Metsäranta's Degree Work - Lahti Academy of Liberal and Fine Arts, Theatre Education II - 2013.
  • THE CHERRY ORCHARD - Anton Chekhov - Lahti Academy of Liberal and Fine Arts, Theatre Education - 2013.
  • DREAM PLAY - August Strindberg and Henri Tuulasjärvi - Lahti Academy of Liberal and Fine Arts, Theatre Education 2012.
  • TUKKIJOELLA MUSIKAALI (LOG RIDE THE MUSICAL) - Teuvo Pakkala - Lahti Academy of Liberal and Fine Arts, Theatre Education - 2011.
  • THREE SISTERS - Anton Chekhov - Lahti Academy of Liberal and Fine Arts, Theatre Education - 2010.
  • BUDDHALAINEN REVYY (A BUDDHIST REVUE) - Hermann Hesse, J.W. Goethe, Anton Chekhov, William Shalespeare, Laura Ruohonen, Lauri Viita, Jouko Turkka, Anja Erämaja, Maria Jotuni, Kahlil Gibran - Theatre Väkivahva 2008.

VOICE WORK for Finnish National Broadcaster YLE:

  • HARRI JA DINOT (HARRY AND HIS BUCKET FULL OF DINOSAURS) - Director Anne Nadasi - 26 episodes - Turkka and other roles - 2005.
  • KARVAISET KAVERIT (HAIRY FRIENDS) - Annika Rinne - 14 episodes - Viljami and Viikari - 2004.
  • LASTEN JOULU (CHRISTMAS FOR CHILDREN) - Anu Tuomi-Nikula - 30 episodes - presenter for children's programme, animated reindeer Eepi Pajavalo - 2005 ja 2004.
  • NOORAN NAAPURISSA (ZOO LANE) - Anne Nadasi - 52 episodes - Kalle The Bear and other roles - 2001.
  • PABLO-KETTU (PABLO THE FOX) Maija Rantanen, Anne Nadasi - 52 episodes - Pablo and all the male roles - 2000.
  • RALLE RYÖKÄLE (ROTTEN RALPH) - Tatu Tiihonen - 52 episodes - different roles - 2000.
  • ARTTU AAVIKKO (FENNEC AND THE PHANTOM) - Maija Rantanen - 24 episodes - Arttu Aavikko - 1999.


  • NORTHERN CARELIA FOLK HIGH SCHOOL - THEATRE EDUCATION. Substitute for Head Teacher. Autum 2008.
  • CONFIRMATION SCHOOL WORK WITH DISABLED. With Reverend Leena Tuomola, Savukoski and Tuusula 2008, 2007, 2006 & 2005.


  • Covid19-Grant for Artistic Work. 1,5 months. Taike. 2020.
  • Movement Grant for Residency in Athens. Taike. 2019.
  • Grant for Artistic Work. 6 months. Taike. 2017.
  • Grant for Artistic Work. One year. SKR. 2013.
  • Grant for Artistic Work, 6 months. Häme Arts Council. 2009.

I have performed in Sweden, Norway, Estonia, Northern Ireland, Latvia and Lithuania.
I have performed in Tampere Theatre Festival seven times, and twice at the Poetry Week in Kajaani.


Uncle Vanya 1995
Leonce & Lena / King Peter
Fools / Ram Pietu
Boer - A lecture about the AIDS situation in South Africa
Mine is bliss of the land mine is the solitude of the land
Kansan Uutisten Viikkolehti 28.1.2011 - Suomea ja totuutta etsimässä
Kansan Uutisten Viikkolehti 28.1.2011 - Suomea ja totuutta etsimässä
Kainuun sanomat 24.4.2002
Toijalan seutu 5.9.1989
Helsingin sanomat 2001
As a Part of the World
Etelä-Suomen Sanomat 15.3.2013
Sieviläinen 28.5.2003
Pielisjokiseutu 18.7.2013